Accredited CPD training for schools.
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Adrienne works with expert consultants to deliver training and research programmes.
She has recently published a research paper with Dr Aiman El Asam on Vulnerable Young People and Their Online Risks. (Journal of Human-Computer Interaction February 2018).
Dr Asam is a Research Fellow in Psychology. Department of Psychology, Kingston University London where he is conducting research in cyber-bullying and its risk factors, a 3-year longitudinal and comparative study between the UK and Qatar
Adrienne regularly delivers CPD accredited e-safety training and is a regular trainer for Osiris Educational.
The Cybersurvey has been run annually for 10 years. It is the single biggest exploration of the experiences of young people online and their views on e-safety education. These reports and the rich dataset provide vital insights into the online worlds of children and young people and their needs.
Adrienne undertakes evaluations and consulting work. She is currently evaluating a two year programme run by Internet Matters and Tootoot, funded by DfE. She is also evaluating Expect Respect, a programme for South Coast College funded by HEFCE.
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